Caring For Your Tree
One. Before you leave the farm we give your tree a straight and fresh cut to ensure that it "drinks" water. If the time between when you leave the farm and get the tree in water is longer than two hours you need to give the tree a fresh cut. The cut does not need to be any bigger that 1/2" thick. If you let us know that it will be over 2 hours until you get your tree in water then we can give it special attention to help.
Two. If you do not plan on setting your tree up immediately then you need to stand the tree up in a bucket of water until you are ready to get it set up.
Three. We wrap your tree in a plastic netting before you leave. We do this so the tree can be loaded easier and transported safely. Also so you can get the tree in your house easier. Make sure not to cut it off until it’s in the stand and inside.
Four. Make sure to water the tree frequently. You need to check the water daily and make certain the base of the tree is in water. If the tree runs out of water even once it could lead to the tree dying. In our gift shop we sell a watering stick that makes it easier to add water to your tree. We also sell a gel that soaks up water so if you forget to water the tree then it will keep it moist so it doesn’t dry up.
Five. There’s a lot of disinformation about what to put in your trees water. The best thing is nothing, just warm tap water. When you add other things such as miracle grow or sugar you’re not helping the tree you’re actually stopping up the pores causing the tree to not be able to drink.
Six. When setting up your tree make sure to keep it away from direct sun, hot air vents, and fire places that are lit often. If it has to be near a vent we recommend you turn off that vent.